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Monday, 10 January 2011

Works laws a Joke in Brasil ?

A stat agents here in Brasil, agents for selling homes stop paying staff the normal off the books wage and makes them work for commission only, Laws for for people here in Brasil seem not to exist and if so are not strong enough to protect the works. People can be sacked in a day a not get any pay from any work done, Laws are for show and not for the workers rights.

Take this one new manager starts he has to get to know whats on the books , the staff and then start dealing with people want to sell and buy, I know for a fact that selling a house is not ease at all I sold one years ago and had 15 people come to see it all with other house to sell before they could move if they wanted it, after all this was a cash buy from some one who had know house to sell.

I had over 15 people come and see the house and it was the cash buyer who fell in love with it like I did 3yrs before, he signed a contract and was classed as self employed and had to work 6 days a week, the other no contract self employed and again 6 days a week which means they can not work ells ware how is this good Law.

In your first month here in Brasil they want 30,000 from you from selling house, they expect you to make this or losses your job, the people that own these places have not got a clue about what they are doing just because there first branch made this our more dose not mean when they keep opening more that this will be the case for all of them, punishing staff and not paying them dose not help.

Yes the staff want to keep the job yes they work hard to sell homes but at the end of day you can not make some buy the house showed, you can be as nice as a Angel give the coffee take them out for a meal and even sleep with them in the hope they will buy from you so you can keep your basic pay and then get commission on top.

I say the law is a ass and the people who treat staff like dirt when self empolyed.

The Press office

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