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Monday, 27 December 2010

Condems and there daft cuts


Is not funny how when it comes to the government trying to cut the huge debt, that they first cut public service which affect you the tax payer, and putting up in direct tax’s.

We all know why we have a big debt problem its because the government over the last 11yrs, with Gordon Brown how would not raise income tax by a penny because this would be seen as a bad move with the voters, but the best one was lets sell half our gold stock for next to nothing to plug the holes left by miss management of the economy and pay rises for the MPs.

So what happens he puts up national insurance tax up which not every one pays, but the employer gets hit the hardest, then they put up your income tax so you get done again.

And they tell all off us to live on less while they up the vat on food, petrol, house tax, in fact everything expect income tax, the MPs still tack there big pay rise fatting there pockets, on top off this they claim extra well over and above the norm that you would expect.

If the governments had just put income tax one penny each year and they had taken a small pay rise and stopped flying upper class every where then we would not have the big debt there is now.

And correct if I am wrong the lib demes always said if they got in to government they would put up income tax because it’s the fairer of raising money need to pay debt and proved the service that we need.

And what do they now hey have the chance to do this nothing they levee it alone and make huge cuts and rise all the over tax to make the poor worse off yet again, why are our MPs so two faced when in power.     

This they do not call fraud which it is quite clear they are clamming for things they do not have or should not clamming for maids, dog walkers, and so on, and what do they get a slap on the wrist and told do not do it again.

Yet if you are claiming a benefit and you for get or do not tell them that you have moved this is fraud and you can go to prison for this our find and even both, so you are claming something that you are entitled to medically move and do not tell well duck I say, and is not so two faced of the government to let this happen to the sick. 

The goverment have put VAT my my what will they do next, they will no not stop filying frist class, PM will still use the Royal Flight which they took away from the Queen because of cost, they will not cut pay or take a pay block.

And they will keep spending your Taxs on thems yust like they always do you see if Grodon Brown had put income Tax at the differant leveals then the Nationl Dete would be a lot lower. You see while you have a goverment that dose care about you the People our the Queen, the UK will not benefit from this at all.

By Sir Richard Price


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